MobileForester_sarang_stack _volume_catasta

Determining the stack volume is an important and time-consuming task. We can save time and money by using the MobileForester to measure stack solid volume. Reducing the potential for error, the device provides precise data, which are reliable for both of the company and the customer.
During the measurement we take a photo of the stack, which can be drawn around with the help of the application. In the resulting image, an algorithm automatically detects the butts. We can correct manually if necessary.
From the resulting surface and the length given at the beginning of the measurement, the device calculates the solid volume. Three tables can be retrieved at the end of the process: summary information about the stack, classified data based on log diameter classes, and individual data.

The equipment is very useful for lumberjacks, for foresters and also for timber traders.



MobileForester_sarang_stack _volume_catasta_1

MobileForester_sarang_stack _volume_catasta_2